Sunday, 3 December 2017

Journal Your Christmas 2017

2nd December 2017

Christmas preparation.

It sometimes seems that anybody mentioning Christmas preparation before December 24th is frowned upon and judged, especially by the more religious types!

Personally, I think, living in the real world, that Christmas is going to be a time of greater expenditure, no matter how minimal that side of things is kept, and certain items appearing in the shops before December 1st is a good thing, especially for those amongst us with less resources. Rather than adding pressure to buy more, it seems to ease the pressure.

Anyway, we have decided that those people needn't affect our enjoyment and preparation for a time that is to be all about loving others and caring, in line with our faith! The more that 'spirit of Christmas' - which includes people thinking more about how they live their faith lives - that abounds all year round, the better in our view!
Bernie x


  1. Exactly! Christmas SHOULD make us think about how we live our faith lives - and that shouldn't stop on December 26th! Thanks for this poke in my heart!

    1. thanks, Julie, for the lovely comment! xx

  2. What a better world indeed if Christmas caring about others was as infectious all year long as just at Christmas. I agree wholeheartedly that items appearing in shops and thinking about Christmas before December is rather a good thing. I've been told that my mom and dad when together that he put the tree up Christmas Eve and all was done on that night. What pressure, truly, would that bring in this day and age. May we have the Christmas spirit all year long.

    I was so happy to see your visit and link up. Thank you. And, love your graphic as always. You are such an artist. :)

    Peabea@Peabea Scribbles

    1. thanks so much for your kind words :) xx
