Well, a lot has happened since 15th December 2017 - the last day I managed to post any art! I came down with a chest infection, head cold on 18th December that still hasn't left me. It really knocked me sideways and affected everything. Can't actually remember the last time I've felt so ill. My youngest daughter also came down with it and was affected just as badly. Now my 93 year old Dad has it and with his already weak health, it's causing some worry. None of which is conducive to feeling creative and motivated!
A few days ago I managed to sit up at my PC and created some art - and caught up on thousands of emails! It's a start. I may go back and try to create the pieces I missed out on through Advent and Christmas; I hope to. First, though, I need to feel better!
New Year's Eve saw me with sme free time and so I created a piece that came together in a very different way than is usual for me. I decided to post it here as a good start to 2018. It was created in a different way to my usual, it seems to speak straight from my heart, and really represent some important truth for me that I need to accept and embrace in order to move forward.
This new year will be a year of more change and achievement for our family. Mum and I are working together on a new book. It will take some time to produce as there is just so much information to sift through and organise. There is a story to tell and it will be told!
There are other goals to be met as well - weight loss for hubby and me, and (hopefully) some conclusion to our PI Claim against the local horse riding establishment where my eldest daughter was so badly injured and so badly treated.
When you come through experiences such as my family has, I feel it is important to learn from them; glean what we can from tragedy and sadness, hurt and anger. Nothing in this life should be wasted. I also feel that it is now, as it ever was, so important to speak up about wrong. Draw attention to it and try to change what we can. Where change is refused, then that also needs to be spoken of. Everybody needs to be aware. Silence helps nobody other than those doing wrong.
So that will be our year! Speaking up, speaking out, pushing for improvement wherever we see failures, wrong doing or ignorance. Moving forward creatively and achieving new successes. Continuing to learn new things and above all keeping the wonder at the magnificent Universe we have been given, and all with which we are provided. I've been reading some very basic Quantum Physics (I'm definitely an artist, not a scientist!) and the truths within the Bible become very clear when you learn even a little about how our world, our Universe actually functions. My youngest daughter and I spent 2017 as vegetarians and we are, this year, going to move ever closer towards being vegan. Writing these things here makes life feel very much a journey and much more positive! Long may it continue!
So here is my piece created on New Year's Eve - Waiting
I think quite possibly this is an expression of the true me...standing alone in so many ways (caring for family members, standing up against wrong in certain areas...) but not disconnected from the rest of the world (the birds) and definitely affected by whatever is around me (the light, the clouds, the path, the fencing...)...and always present is the feeling of, in the end, 'all will be well'. Our God. All-embracing.
However, I can't claim that as any conscious inspiration behind this piece! It does make for an image that I love and which makes me feel comforted and secure. I may often stand alone (in human terms) but I stand strong and upright for all to see. Nowhere to hide in a landscape like that lol, and no desire to hide either!
I'd like to wish everybody a Happy New Year, with much health, wealth, peace and joy.
Bernie x
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