Saturday, 10 March 2018


Last month I had the great honour of being able to join an elite group of artists - just 500 worldwide - in order to further my progress in Photoshop Artistry.

I have been busy creating various pieces for various projects ongoing within the group, but most are not on a religious or faith theme.

This piece however, touched somehing quite deep and seemed to coincide with events concerning the Roman Catholic Church this week. So I decided to post it here.

I appreciate this blog has been rather neglected of late - my 93 year old dad's illness, near death and hospitalistion has affected life to a great entent.

However, I shall do what I can when I can.

Anyway, back to this piece! This is the background to it...

Sauli -This piece is named for Saint Alexander Sauli who became a bishop in a diocese where faith had died. He inspired the people to new faith, corrected abuses, rebuilt broken down churches, and founded colleges and seminaries.

As the word fractal originates in the Latin verb frangere - to break, shatter, I wanted a title encompassing that. With the women speaking out this week against the damage males are creating within the RCC, this Saint's name appealed! I discovered the name Sauli is actually a female name in some countries and liked everything that encompasses!